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Keeds Wood takes centre stage - a reading, stories, Q&A and IDEAS!

Last night (Thursday 19th May) was the first and hopefully the first of many community meetings about Keeds Wood - be them in the Jubilee Pavilion recounting stories over a cup of tea or up in the woods themselves!

Thirty people from the local community gathered with a lovely view looking up towards Keeds Wood from the edge of the bowling green at the Community Centre.

Keeds Wood, Long Ashton

We heard a short reading from a book of how the 'earth speaks, but only to those who can hear with their hearts*.'

Andrew Garrad, owner of the woods, then gave a beautiful introduction about how he is very generously, openly inviting the Long Ashton community, with the support of Avon Wildlife Trust to use the woods as a resource - getting involved in helping manage it, learning new skills and that people locally of all ages get to enjoy and benefit from it.

We then heard an impassioned account from Bill Roberts, a local known to many, about the fantastic energy and drive in Autumn 2011 when he and others rallied the Community to pledge over £100,000 in just 4 days in an attempt to buy the woods so the whole Community could benefit from them.

We were then very lucky to hear from Julie Doherty, Community Engagement and Volunteering Manager at Avon Wildlife Trust (AWT), who gave a great presentation about the ecology of the woodland and also generally the importance of nature and conservation, not just for the environmental benefits but our personal health and well-being too.

With the generous support from Andrew Garrad, Julie and the team at AWT, will be leading nature discovery activities and community volunteering days.

But the evening wouldn't have been complete without hearing the many stories and ideas from those attending - their encounters with the woods - inspirational ideas of how we can all use it more. Also the many skills and knowledge people have which they can share with others in activities with groups of any size and ages too. There was plenty of enthusiasm and energy for people to discover more about the wood and also help manage it.

Here is a just a few of the many ideas and activities mentioned over a cup of tea.

  • Putting up bird and bat boxes

  • Forest schools

  • Coppicing

  • Bird Walks (*Stop press* Megan Dickens, an expert bird spotter (aren't we lucky!) saw a fledgling Tawny Oil last week. Eek!)

  • Dog walking

  • School outings

  • Den building

  • Plant and tree ID

As we all left the Jubilee Pavilion that evening, full of energy, enthusiasm and gratitude for all who've been involved in this initiative so far - particularly Andrew and Julie but also the members of the wonderful Long Ashton Community - we all had the opportunity to glance up at the beautiful view of Keeds Wood from the Community Centre car park and perhaps a few of us could hear 'Keeds Wood speak - and we heard it with our hearts.'

*From The Earth Speaks (1983), Steve Van Matre an American environmental activist, author and educator.


Interested in getting involved? Want to learn, discover and help with the management of the wood? Get in touch, join the mailing list or join the Keeds Wood Facebook Group.

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