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Heliotrope bashing success and the discovery of a new mini-beast...maybe...

Yesterday saw our first family event in Keeds Wood. And what an afternoon we had, with dappled light streaming in through the canopy we all kept cool in the leafy shade as we started our first task.

Heliotrope Bashing

Winter Heliotrope is a non-native plant, introduced from North Africa. It is likely to have escaped from a garden and is now found in two patches in Keeds Wood not far from the Keeds Lane entrance.

It is named 'winter' as it flowers from November till February, so at this time of year we set about finding the distinctive heart shaped leaves. Then armed with forks, trowels and spades set about digging up as much of the plant and root as possible. These were then bagged up and taken off site to ensure no further spread. Everyone worked really hard for an hour clearing a big patch. Even our youngest team member 2yr old Connor pitched in.

Everyone working hard to remove Winter Heliotrope

Minibeast Hunting

After a well earned break we embarked upon a minibeast hunt. Using bug pots, pooters, beating sheets and a keen eye, a great hoard of tiny creatures were found. There was also a baby and huge adult frog spotted by some of the group who made the wise choice not to put them in their pots.

Children minibeast hunting

A huge ground beetle was one of the favourites. There were also loads of different spiders, a harvestman, worms, slugs, snails, an earwig, centipedes, woodlice, (super)worm and something we could not identify. So whilst we try and work out what it is Emmeline, Keziah and Molly who found it named it the 'Kibble Kobble Tail'. Once everyone had enjoyed a look at what we had found we carefully returned them to their woodland home.

Reward Time

After all our hard work we agreed it was time for a reward so around the campfire we enjoyed toasted marshmallows and popcorn before everyone helped tidy up the tools and equipment for the day.

A huge thank you to everyone who came along and helped. We look forward to seeing you again. Click here for what else is on in Keeds Wood.

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